
Monday, April 8, 2013

Paying Attention (PAD - DAY 8)

 Paying Attention


Whenever attending

(no matter the function), it’s often helpful

to make use of certain tools.

Various digital devices are available to assist you,   

recording details, both aurally & visually,

for future reference.

(note: touch, taste & scent can be

a bit trickier to capture, so…)

Whenever attending, it’s best

to close your eyes from time to time,

let your mind wander (frequently & free from restraint –

un-chaperoned & un-attended)

you never know

where it will go,

or what you might miss,

if you fail to heed this


Photos by PSC



POEM: (by PSC) Prompted by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides PAD Challenge for April:

 2013-april-pad-challenge-day-8: an instructional poem 



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sevenling: The 7th (PAD - DAY 7)

Sevenling: The 7th
Waking at 7am
on the 7th day of the month
anticipating the 7th prompt

yoga completed,
breakfast pending, 

I step outside to pick up the Sunday paper

First scent of spring (finally!) blossoms; my smile blooms.

POEM: (by PSC) Prompted by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides PAD Challenge for April:

 2013-april-pad-challenge-day-7: a sevenling 


Only 7 days into the PAD and already I'm getting lazy.  Blame it on a form poem assignment.  :-| 



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Posting Something Now and Then (PAD - DAY 6)

Posting Something Now and Then


I visited my father today.

(Or perhaps, more apt: He visited me.)


In 1978, a middle-of-the-night phone call

(never a good sign) told me he had passed.

At that time, digital photography,

computers and the internet

were barely a blip on the screen of my future life,

and never to be a part of his.


The only “online” we shared

was with a fishing pole – he laughing

over turtles nibbling the lure from my line

 and fleeing before I ever learned they were there.


Imagine my surprise

wandering my favorite haunt today,

seeking inspiration,

finding some pictures he'd posted

on my local site.


All photos by PSC / 2013-APR-06











POEM: (by PSC) Prompted by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides PAD Challenge for April:

 2013-april-pad-challenge-day-6: a "post" poem





The Garden (PAD - DAY 5)

The Garden


This event, decorated

by a most unusual Federation of flowers,

harbors an interesting history.

Each attendee, be they blossom or cactus, 

inducted one by one was

first introduced by the (now apparently absent)

guest of honor; an individual

who delighted in adopting the un-

(happy, healthy, appreciated, accepted)

and nursing them to flourish

thereby increasing their worth.

Despite all appearances,

this one (seemingly defunct),

remains an ever-present addition,

planted, established and thriving

within this garden of her own creation. 





 POEM: (by PSC) Prompted by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides PAD Challenge for April:

 2013-april-pad-challenge-day-5: a "plus" poem