
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

First Lady - PAD Day 26

public domain photo - details below

First Lady

What does she think?
How does she feel deep inside –
beneath that haute couture,
perfect hair and makeup,
behind that proficient smile?
Is she human?  Is she real
or merely a purchase –
 the supreme puppet,
a polished portrait?  Is there
someone underneath
that masterful application
of maquillage and camouflage?
At certain times
the shadows in her eyes
give me pause to ponder:  
is she happy
with the choices
that she’s made?
Does she ever wonder
these days
 if her current life
is worth the price
she pays?

PSC / 2017-Apr

My offering for Day 26 of Robert Lee Brewer's Poem-a-Day (PAD).
Assignment: a regret poem



  1. Good questions! Perhaps your response to the prompt is your hypothesis... well penned – as always...

    1. Thank you, Nurit! It's hard not to wonder... isn't it?
